4-day Hands-On Modal Testing & Analysis Training

Nov 17-20, 2025

Fullerton CA

Instructor: Jim Steedman
Partner: Navcon Engineering

This marks our 32nd year presenting the Hands-On Modal Testing & Analysis Training. Join the more than 1160 engineers and technicians who have tested a Navcon JimBeam and a fully race prepared Porsche. It is our goal, that upon completing this 4-day, 40-hour intensive short course, attendees will be able to plan, setup and conduct a modal test from start to finish. This is a technology-based training about methods & applications; it is a vendor product training. Modal theory is presented from the experimentalists point of view. Attendees acquire their own data and conduct their own analysis. There is no other modal testing seminar like this; it is truly a HANDS-ON training.The Hands-On Modal Testing & Analysis Training is intended for those engineers and technicians who (1) conduct modal and/or operational deflection shape tests, (2) perform analytical (FEM) or experimental (SDM) modal analysis and/or (3) are responsible for overseeing modal related projects. Applications include noise and vibration trouble shooting, ground vibration testing, FE modal validation & updating and health monitoring among others.

Each class is limited to 10 attendees. Attendees are paired in groups of 2 and each group is provided a Data Physics based data acquisition system, PCB Piezotronics test instrumentation, Navcon test structures, etc. Everyone will have their own computer with MEscope modal testing software and FEMtools software for Modal Pretest Analysis, FEM-Test Correlation and FE Model Updating. Attendees acquire their own data, reduce their own data and perform their own analyses.

Hands-On Laboratories: More than 50% of the time is spent conducting lab exercises.

  • Fourier Analysis, Digital Signal Processing, Modal Measurements
  • Shaker Excitation Techniques and Linearity Measurements
  • JimBeam Impact Modal Test & JimBeam Shaker Laser Modal Test
  • Porsche Multi-Channel Modal Test & Porsche Sine Dwell Test
  • Box Beam Modal Test, Box Beam Time & Frequency Domain ODS & FRF-ODS
  • Modal Test Parameter Estimation
  • Modal Pretest Analysi,s FEM-Test Correlation, FE Model Updating

You will create a finite element (FE) model of JimBeam; perform a dynamic analysis and calculate the FE modes; use the FE modes to conduct a modal pretest analysis; conduct a JimBeam modal test; correlate and pair the FE modes and Test modes using Mac and Orthogonality; and you will update your FE model to match your test results.

When you complete this training will be able to plan, setup and conduct a modal test from start to finish. You will understand the FEM-Test correlation and FEM updating process. You will see how modal can be used for vibration simulation, noise and vibration assessment and mitigation.

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